Collision Regulations Workshop
Other Navigation Courses
Collision Regulations Workshop
Delivered in partnership with SisterShip Training. This course is also part of the Coastal Navigation Course. Boating is not a contact activity and there are rules to keep them from coming into contact, they are called the IRPCS (International Regulation for Prevention of Collision at Sea), or ColRegs for short. Every one that puts to sea must know these, or it is like driving a car without knowing the rules of the road: it is dangerous. You are going to be sharing the water with vessels of different sizes, manoeuvrability, function and conditions. There are rules that you need to know that establish which vessels need to give-way, and how to do it properly. The ColRegs also cover the use of light and shapes, sound signals, narrow channels, Traffic Separation Schemes, assessing a risk of collision, and conduct in restricted visibility. For those aspiring to enter the commercial world, knowing these rules inside-and-out is of paramount importance.
Learning all this can be daunting, but we will give you tips and hints on how to do it in a painless way.
What you get:
Video presentations taking you through the key elements of lights and shapes
Practice quizzes
Our personal technique to help you remember the lights/shapes and build on that knowledge
None, enthusiasm and curiosity are a plus.
Delivery Methods:
Classroom: approx 4 hours
Virtual: via Zoom. Same hours as Classroom.
Equipment & Material
What's included in the course?"
All the items mentioned above
Prices & Time Commitment
Physical Classroom
apporx 4 hours
$150 via Virtual approx 4 hours

About Us
Ocean Boardroom was founded by Ivan B. Signorelli, a RYA Ocean Yachtmaster Instructor with years of experience teaching and countless miles under his belt.
Ivan founded this training centre under the ethos of providing quality up-to-date training that goes beyond just ticking boxes.
We provide our students with over-and-above skills and information you can take back onboard and use right away.