RYA/MCA Yachtmaster / Coastal Theory
Other Navigation Courses
RYA/MCA Yachtmaster / Coastal Theory
Navigate like a Pro! This course will give you the level of theory knowledge needed to become a Yachtmaster and work commercially. This is also the level of theory you need to undertake coastal and offshore passages which involve overnight sailing, entry into unfamiliar harbours and complex passage planning.
This course is also recognised by the MCA (UK’s Maritime and Coastal Agency), which regulates qualifications in most vessels in the Superyacht industry. Those looking to work and progress in RYA/MCA commercial ladder will need to take this course at some point.
Advanced training for more experienced skippers building on the Day Skipper course. This course equips you to navigate safely on coastal and offshore passages.
This course will take your theory knowledge to the standard required for the Yachtmaster™ Coastal and Yachtmaster™ Offshore practical exams, concentrating on advanced navigation and meteorology skills.
It is strongly recommended that students have a good grasp of theory subjects to Day Skipper standard and have a good knowledge of the collision regulations before attending.
On this course students will sit three exams and will be awarded the RYA Coastal Skipper/Yacht Master Offshore Shore based Certificate.
Course topics include:
position fixing
course shaping and plotting
tidal knowledge
use of almanacs and admiralty publications
electronic position finding equipment
taking and interpreting forecasts
plotting weather systems
weather predictions using a barometer and by observation
collision regulations
customs and excise regulations for cruising abroad
Knowledge equivalent to Day Skipper Theory and some practical experience.
If it has been a while since you have taken Day Skipper theory, you may need to refresh your knowledge prior to attending. There is no review. If you are not sure, contact us before booking and we can help you find the appropriate course.
Delivery Methods:
Classroom: 6-Days either Mon-Saturday or 2x weekends and evenings (total of 40 hours), plus two evenings for exams.
E-Learning: In partnership with Navathome. The course takes around 40 hours in total to complete, but it is structured so you can work at your own pace. Additional support is available via Zoom at an additional cost.
Supporting Materials
"What's included in the course?"
RYA Yachtmaster Shorebased Course Notes
RYA Training Charts & Training Almanac
Navigator's Tools: course plotter, dividers, 2B pencil & eraser. There is $50 discount available if you don't need a plotter and dividers, when you enrol
Prices & Time Commitment
Physical Classroom
40 hours
approx 40 hours

About Us
Ocean Boardroom was founded by Ivan B. Signorelli, a RYA Ocean Yachtmaster Instructor with years of experience teaching and countless miles under his belt.
Ivan founded this training centre under the ethos of providing quality up-to-date training that goes beyond just ticking boxes.
We provide our students with over-and-above skills and information you can take back onboard and use right away.