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Yacht Maintenance Bundle - RYA Diesel, Ropework and Electrics(Sydney)

Yacht Maintenance Bundle

This course combines RYA Diesel, Marine Electrics and Rope Work courses into a one day class.


This course gives you an overview of how a diesel engine works and all its systems. You will learn basic maintenance and how to troubleshoot simple problems whilst at sea or just avoid extra costs. By the end of the course, you will no longer feel intimidated by your engine.

MARINE ELECTRICSThis course will help you gain an understanding of 12/24v marine electrical system covering basic system two battery bank system, types batteries, and charging. It also includes some practical skills such as wire stripping, splicing, crimping and a go at soldering. The course is delivered by a qualified marine electrician.

ROPE WORKThIS course will teach you about different types of ropes and their uses. We will look at how to whip the ends using different methods to avoid fraying. We also look at splicing 3-strand nylon so that you can start making your own mooring lines. We will also splice Dyneema and teaching how to make a soft shackle for you to take home.

Course programme

Day 1 - RYA Diesel Engine Course

Day 2 - Morning: Ropework

Afternoon: Marine electrics

Full Day


Sydney, Newport

9 May

Marine First Aid - Sydney (in partnership with Flying Fish Australia)

28 June

RYA Diesel Engine Maintenance (Sydney)